We’re halfway through the year! Though it feels like the first six months of 2020 have actually been twelve decades, we actually did it, we’ve made it to the halfway point. Some days I feel like sending in for a refund on 2020, but alas that’s now how this living thing works, so I suppose we better make the best of a challenging time. I hope you set some great goals for yourself at the beginning of the year and I hope you haven’t abandoned them in what can sometimes feel like the dumpster heap of 2020.
With the podcast I’m doing a goal check and a gut check. Are you still going strong on your goals or have you abandoned them along the path? Maybe you’ve had to pivot on some of your goals, perhaps you’ve had to make some serious adjustments to others–that’s okay! Your goals should improve your life and if you remember back to the 3-part podcast series I did at the start of 2020, you definitely shouldn’t let your dreams–or your goals–ruin your life!
But, we also don’t want you abandoning goals to excuses like, say, a global pandemic, which is why now is the perfect time to review your goals, your progress, and your plans.
This is a great episode that you’ll not want to miss! To help you review your goals for the year, I’ve created a free resource to give you some things to consider while adjusting: Goal Check Point: 5 P’s to Keep you on the Path. This is a great tool that will help you organize and re-focus your efforts to achieve your goals for 2020.
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Links Mentioned in this episode:
- Episode 34: Preparing for 2020 Part1: What is Your Vision for Your Life?
- Episode 35: Preparing for 2020 Part 2: Don’t Let Your Dreams Ruin Your Life
- Episode 36: Preparing for 2020 Part 3: Priorities-You’re Overwhelmed! Now What?
- Episode 57: Daring Leaders are Never Silent About Hard Things
- Goal Check: 5 P’s to Keep You on Your Path
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