
Is it possible to thrive in the face of uncertainty? Or are we doomed to struggle in the current crisis we are facing? My answer is a resounding no!

Challenges constantly come up, whether they are global pandemics, struggling employees, or an unfavorable economy. Uncertainty in the face of challenge is not an unusual experience, and as leaders we are tasked with being the calm for others in the storm. Today I’m focusing on what it takes to help you be the calm in the storm so you can show up for those you lead at work and home.

Last week I focused on the specific leadership tasks required during a crisis, and this week the focus is on what you need to be doing individually as a leader to be the calm both for yourself and others. Great leaders put the oxygen masks on themselves first because they know they must think clearly if they are to be of any service to others around them.

Now is not the time to sacrifice the basics of self-care. In fact, now is the time to increase efforts aimed at strengthening your foundation. Adequate sleep, balanced nutrition, effective coping, regular exercise, time to reflect–all the basics that, unfortunately, fly out the window in the face of a crisis. Join me as we focus on 8 ways to thrive in the face of uncertainty so you can help those around you thrive as well.

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