Understanding Purpose Clarifies Life

Understanding Purpose Clarifies Life

I’ve got a question for you: Where are you headed in life? Do you know? Do you care? Purpose can be a big, gauzy topic, but today I want to help you get practical about purpose and see how understanding purpose clarifies life. It makes all the difference in...
Owning your Story

Owning your Story

Embed Code: Owning your story is about taking complete responsibility for every aspect of your life. This sounds straight-forward, but believe me, it can be harder to do in actual practice. As humans, we are master storytellers. We love devising elaborate stories...
Book Review: My Friend Fear

Book Review: My Friend Fear

As children, we were all afraid of something, the dark monsters under the bed, the principal. As adults, the subject of our fears may shift, but we still have fears. This week I will review Meera Lee Patel’s book, My Friend Fear. It’s time to get more...
Thrive by Facing Fears

Thrive by Facing Fears

We grow in the process of facing our fears. There is no other way. It’s like exercising a muscle. The muscle becomes stronger through the breakdown of the muscle tissue. It isn’t a pleasant process, yet it is the process of growth and development. Join me...
Self-leadership and Eating Mindfully

Self-leadership and Eating Mindfully

Did you know the quality of your eating can impact your effectiveness at home and work? Perhaps you know it’s important to get something to eat, and you even know that what you eat matters, but did you know that how you eat also makes a big difference? This podcast...
Self-leadership and Renewal

Self-leadership and Renewal

What does it mean to truly renew? Does it require two weeks on a deserted island? Well, while that sounds very nice and would indeed be renewing, you don’t need weeks away from your life in order to renew. And in fact, adopting daily practices of renewal can make all...