Episode 128: Learning to Tolerate Risk Pt. 2: Growth Needs

Episode 128: Learning to Tolerate Risk Pt. 2: Growth Needs

Every person has security needs and growth needs. Security needs are the needs that keep us safe and protected. As Maslow taught, growth needs are the needs we have to become more than we are on the path to self-actualization.  These needs stand at opposite ends of a...
Episode 127: Learning to Tolerate Risk Pt. 1: Security Needs

Episode 127: Learning to Tolerate Risk Pt. 1: Security Needs

Life is risky. Nothing is guaranteed, and regardless of where you are, you’re going to take your punches. Learning how to navigate the risks of a fulfilling life is vital to your success. So vital, in fact, that this episode is part one of a three part series on...
Episode 125: Communication 101

Episode 125: Communication 101

This week, I want to focus on just the basics of communication. Communications 101. I’m talking about the straightforward dos and don’ts of communicating with people around you. Sharing is more than verbally speaking face to face, so I’ll be talking...