It’s time to create a more nuanced understanding of your needs. Are you getting your needs met? How would you even know? Join me Today as we explore 3 keys to understanding and meeting your needs. This podcast will help you: 3 Keys to understanding your needs...
Are you tired of your unhelpful patterns? The ways you get emotionally hooked? Maybe you lash out, perhaps you shut down. Join me today as I share an excellent tool to help you overcome your miserable patterns. This podcast will help you: Learn how you get...
When you look at your own life, maybe you don’t consider that you have a trauma history. Maybe you don’t. But when it comes to our families, we can often experience death by a thousand cuts, or relational trauma. Join me today to learn what you need to...
The word trauma has been thrown around a lot in our society in recent years. And it’s easy to be confused about what that term actually means. And, in fairness, the way the term has been used has shifted over the years. Today, I don’t want to get into...
The most successful marriages know this truth: You cannot love from above or below. Partners must be equal. They make decisions together and see life’s decisions as shared. This doesn’t mean that everything is fair and perfectly equitable, but it means...