
Review: The Gifts of Imperfection

This week’s podcast will be a little bit different from other weeks and I’m so excited to bring to you my once-a-month book review! I know a lot of people say they like to read, but I. Love. To. READ. To say I am a connoisseur of books is an understatement, so being able to share some of my favorites with you every month on the podcast is too good of an opportunity to pass up! As part of this, if you ever have any recommendations, or don’t have time to read and want me to read it and review it for you instead, please send them my way! You can always email me at info@drmelissasmith.com or contact me through my Facebook or Instagram.

For this month’s book review, I decided to share with you an all-time favorite of mine: The Gifts of Imperfection, by Brene Brown. This is an amazing book by a fantastic author, and the subject matter goes along well with what we’ve been talking about recently in the podcast. 

Today, I’ll talk about living wholeheartedly which, according to Brown, requires courage, compassion, and connection. Although the title of the book is gifts of imperfection, the book really focuses on Brown’s extensive research in the areas of vulnerability and shame. As part of her research, she has found 10 Guideposts to embrace vulnerability and work though shame and live a whole-hearted life. 

Some of these guideposts are:

  • Guidepost #1. Cultivating Authenticity: Letting go of what people think.
  • Guidepost #2 Cultivating Self-Compassion: Letting go of Perfectionism
  • Guidepost #3 Cultivating a Resilient Spirit: Letting go of Numbing & Powerlessness
  • Guidepost #4 Cultivating Gratitude & Joy: Letting go of Scarcity & Fear of the Dark
  • Guidepost #5 Cultivating Intuition & Trusting Faith: Letting go of the Need for Certainty

I also open up about a few personal experiences I’ve had with some of these guideposts, and how they’ve helped me live a better life. I hope you’ll join me today as we discuss this truly transformative book. And because it’s such an amazing, quick read, I hope you will add it to your to-read list this summer (or at some point in your life)!

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