Many of us are familiar with the biblical story of Jonah, who was instructed by God to preach in Ninevah. Instead of following his directions, he got on a boat and fled. This of course didn’t turn out well as God sent a whale to swallow him whole. Needless to say, Jonah later followed God’s instructions.
You might ask what this story has to do with leadership, as it seems Jonah showed poor leadership skills. While we hopefully will never be swallowed by a whale because of shirking duties, we have a lot in common with Jonah.
What we share with Jonah, and the focus of the podcast today, is the fear of success. This may sound like a very silly, irrational fear, but it’s a real thing that many of us struggle with. Just like Jonah, we often resist the call to achieve our potential. We shy away from truly achieving!
Today I’ll show you the details that make up the Jonah Complex and, as always, give you keys to help you overcome this fear so many of us carry.
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Links Mentioned in this episode:
- The Tim Ferriss Show
- Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss
- Built to Last : Successful Habits of Visionary Companies by Jim Collins & Jerry Porras
- Book of Jonah
- Big Hairy Audacious Goal
(And here is Johnny Lee singing “Looking for Love” because Youtube is not giving us any love when it comes to Waylon Jennings singing this song. And I know he did, because I could sing it right now for you, but I will spare us all that)
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